Starfish Pack 2020 Recap

Starfish has been very busy this year! From providing 500 emergency essential pantry boxes to families in May and June, to doubling the number of participants in our Summer Starfish program. With kids back to school, we’re happy to be launching our regular weekly backpack deliveries. Starfish has never stopped helping more families – now, more than ever before.

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Summer Starfish – Year 3

Reimagining Summer Starfish Packs presented many challenges as we continue to operate within the guidelines of Stage 3 Reopening. From sourcing volunteers to finding adequate storage and sorting space, many unknowns were met by a positive response from a generous community. We are excited to say that despite the challenges, we have officially launched our third year of our Summer Starfish program! This ensures families can receive help all year long, not just during the school year. 

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Volunteer Jess

Volunteering During COVID-19

When the government announced that all non-essential businesses were to close, many found themselves laid off from their jobs. In fact, at the Food Bank we had to layoff many vulnerable volunteers to keep them safe while COVID-19 was prevalent in the community. That left the Food Bank with some big volunteer holes to fill! That’s when we met Jess.  

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Stement on Racism

Statement on Racism

In recent events, we have witnessed an uprising of voices in support of injustice experienced by Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) around the world. Archway Community Services stands with this movement and is prepared to take part in the hard work of standing up against systemic racism. Here is a word from our Executive Director, Rod Santiago with further information on how to get involved and recommended resources for your benefit.

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Open in Tough Times

April and May have been busy months. Our staff have been hard at work sourcing new food suppliers when the existing suppliers were facing shortages, reconfiguring our distribution centre to ensure physical distancing and setting up additional Food Bank Neighbourhood Satellites with support from United Way. We also partnered with other Archway programs and community organizations to help distribute food to people who need it most – including seniors’ programs, temporary foreign workers and the Abbotsford School District.

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