Back to School

back2school-in-backapckHeading back to school can be a total mix of emotions.

Do you remember heading back to school as a kid?  Do you remember the total mix of emotions that came with it? I certainly do. I remember the anticipation of attending a new class, the excitement of seeing school friends again, and the pride in showing off my first day of school outfit. I even remember the forgotten smell of the early morning air during the crisp walk to school. And while my family didn’t necessarily have the best of everything, I always knew that I was taken care of and that my lunch box was full.

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How Sports Changed My Life

We couldn’t do what we do without passion and you!

We like to brag about the staff at the Abbotsford Food Bank .Yes, we are working on our humility, but it’s true—we have some pretty amazing people working here. Not only are they skilled, but they have a huge heart for what we do.

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Everest – A Journey in Relationship

Community begins with relationships.

everst-circle2Sadly, many people that pass through our doors find themselves unable to rise above their circumstances largely due to the fact that they don’t have the relationships and connections to help bring them there.

Recently we started a pilot project called ‘Everest’ which aim’s at this exact disparity.

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