Help Spread Joy this Holiday
’Tis the season of giving once again, and Abbotsford’s Christmas Bureau offers a few ways to support our neighbours over the holiday season.
One option is a direct sponsorship where sponsors are matched with a family or senior in the community. Sponsors are asked to provide food items from a set list and gifts for their matched family which they then deliver directly to their door They communicate ahead of time to find out their needs and the recipients enjoy the personalized gifts and food options.
“I was very appreciative since this Christmas was a tough one and sadly I couldn’t afford to get many presents for my toddler. Even with how young he is and not fully understanding Christmas, my sponsors gave us a blessing. My son was so happy with his gifts and had nothing but smiles all day. Couldn’t be any more happier than I was. His happiness is all I wanted, and I received more than I expected.” – Recipient
Sponsorship is a great way for families, businesses and organizations to give back together and brighten the holidays for a community member.
“We are a staff of 5 and this Christmas we chose to sponsor a family instead of buying each other gifts. We were matched with a single mom with one child. Two of us are single mothers ourselves who have benefitted from the Christmas Bureau in the past, for the other staff it was an eye-opening (and heart-opening) experience.” – Anonymous Business
Sponsors Urgently Needed
There are more than 780 families and 200 seniors who have applied to be sponsored but as of Nov 25th there were only 214 sponsors.
You can learn more about the process here and see the shopping lists for each group size. You can sign up on the same page and indicate what size of family you’d like to sponsor.
The deadline to sign up as a sponsor is December 4th so that there is time to match the groups and give sponsors time to shop for the sponsored individual or family.
Approximate Sponsorship Costs
Senior/Senior Couple
Family with 2-3 individuals
Family with 4-5 individuals
Family with 6+ individuals
Christmas Hampers
We want to make sure everyone can experience the joy of the season. For those who either chose not to be sponsored, or are not able to be sponsored, can access food hampers and toys through the Christmas Bureau.
Using financial donations, the Christmas Bureau puts together and distributes food hampers that include traditional holiday food including turkeys or chickens. These families also have the opportunity to shop for their children’s gifts in the free Toy Room.
“You walk in and it feels so magical from the moment you get there to the moment you leave and we got to pick so much for the kids. A toy, a stuffy, stocking staffers and a book it was great. How do you thank someone who helped give your kids Christmas? Thank you doesn’t seem like enough I’m so grateful for all that you all do.” – Anonymous
Using donated food and bulk purchasing power, hampers can be assembled for only $64.31. The hampers and the sponsorship shopping list are designed to be the same so families receive equivalent amounts.
For those wishing to support food hampers and access to gifts, please visit AbbotsfordFoodBank.com/Gift or all 604-859-7681.
While the deadline for sponsorship ends on December 4th, you can donate towards the Christmas hampers up until December 24th.
Toys & Gifts for the Toy Room
The majority of the toys are collected through the Toys for Tots event on November 27th.
Another significant source of gifts comes from the second annual teddy bear toss hosted by the Abbotsford Canucks on December 3rd.
Toy & financial donations can be dropped off at the Food Bank during the work week 8:30am-4pm. In addition to this, we are open in December on Saturdays 10am-2pm to accept donations.
Thank you for your support! We couldn’t do this without you!